02nd RTC Europe 2014
Title Revit Technology Conference Europe
Subject By Users – For Users
Date | Host 30th Ocotber – 01st November 2014 | RTC Events Management
Venue The Dublin Castle | Dublin | Ireland
“The second European Revit Technology Conference […] was held at the Dublin Castle, Dublin from 30th October – 01st November 2014. The Revit Technology Conference (RTC) is an annual event designed to cater to the needs of the BIM community. Founded and run by users of Autodesk Revit software, RTC is the pre-eminent educational and networking event for BIM users worldwide. It is dedicated to the use of BIM tools, processes and workflows and other associated software in the architecture, engineering and construction industries.”
“RTC is a unique, independent conference covering all things BIM and the whole ecosystem that supports it, and that goes to ensuring your success in the marketplace. No other event brings so many opportunities and benefits together in a single location. As a “by users, for users” event, RTC is the best place to get unvarnished advice from the people who use the technologies to drive their businesses, and the industry as a whole, forward.”
Source RTC Events Management | Online-Publication | www.rtcevents.com | Status: 15th February 2015