02nd Hospital Engineering Trends 2015
Title Hospital Engineering Trends 2015
Subject Architecture meets Technology
Date | Host 09. – 10. März 2015 | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
Venue OTH-AW Department Weiden | Weiden i.d. Oberpfalz, Germany
BIM Management – Virtual Coordination and Clash Detection
“During the conference innovative and up to date solutions and trends regarding strategic organization, design, planning, construction and configuration of highly engineered rooms in hospitals are presented. Insights into the latest requirements for technology integration with medical engineering are provided.”
“The objective of the event is the transfer of detailed, reliable and relevant information with impact on project implementation. This supports sustainable, economic and efficient planning and implementation of hospital construction projects and creates a forum for qualified and broad exchange of lessons learned and opinions, as well as the networking with experts.”
Source Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden | Online-Publication | www.oth-aw.de | Status: March 2015