bSA International BIM User Forum 2013
Subject 17th International BuildingSMART BIM Forum – Method and Added Value of a New Building Culture
Date | Host 10th October 2013 | German Speaking Chapter
Venue BMW World | Munich | Germany
“The international buildingSMART BIM Week and Forum […] is the BIM event of the year 2013 and a unique opportunity to receive an inside view into global BIM procedures!”
“This year the international buildingSMART meeting takes place in Germany. From the 7th to the 10th of October approved BIM experts meet in Munich to discuss the newest developing trends, innovations and their experiences with BIM. The international BIM Week overlaps with ExpoReal, Europe´s biggest real estate fair. The organizer, buildingSMART e.V., expects about 700 international visitors during the BIM WEEK. The event consists of two parts: the BIM Week Workshops and the buildingSMART Forum.”
Source buildingSMART e. V. | Online-Publication | | Status: 01st November 2014