Navisworks Manage Basic Training
Subject Basic Training – Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2013
Date | Host 23rd September 2013 | Hafner’s Buero GmbH
Referee Ralf Schmitz | Managing Director | Hafner’s Buero GmbH
Basic Training The maximum capacity of our basic training includes 8 participants. The trainings are regularly hold in our seminar rooms in which each participant has a powerful CAD workstation available.
Goals You will learn the basic functions of Navisworks, how to merge different data models and to analyse and to present the outcomes:
- Working with the Navisworks User Interface
- Data Formats in Navisworks
- Data Import: Linking and Merging of Data
- Navigation in Navisworks
- Viewpoints: Creating, Saving, Managing
- Redlining Function
- Measuring Function
- Selection Sets and Methods in Navisworks
- Creating Animations
- Rendering Pictures and Animations
- Timeliner: Creating of Sequencing Simulations
Source Hafner’s Buero GmbH | Online-Publication | | Status: 15th February 2015