Revit Architecture Individual Training
Subject Individual Training – Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011
Date | Host 14th – 15th February 2011 | Hafner’s Buero GmbH
Referee Ralf Schmitz | Managing Director | Hafner’s Buero GmbH
Individual Training The individual training has been developed to meet your needs in particular, including well prepared topics or existing thematic blocks from your basic training, combined individually to meet your tasks. The time of your training, the content and dates can be organised especially for you. Of course, such individual training can be held on-site. That will allow you to include challenges of a specific project and to solve this as part of this course. Overall, this improves the learning process and speeds up the familiarisation with the software.
Goals You basically know how to use Revit Architecture – learn how to use these powerful tools, using it to its full capacity:
- Basic Knowledge of Family Creation
- Working with Design Options
- Project Phases (Existing, Demolish, New)
- Approval Planning and Construction Drawings
- Purpose oriented Sheets, View Filters
- Duplicated and Dependent Views, Quantity Take-off and Areas
- Working with Groups
- Building Maker – Conceptual Design
- Site Modelling
- Basic Knowledge of Visualisation
- Working in a Team – Organizing Worksets
Source Hafner’s Buero GmbH | Online-Publication | | Status: 15th February 2015