UNIFI Design Success Story
Title UNIFI Design Success Story | 2017
Author | Co-Author Dana Marotto | Holger de Groot
Publisher Unifilabs | Las Vegas, USA
“Grimshaw is a global architecture firm with offices around the world, employing over 500 people. The practice covers architecture, planning and industrial design across all major sectors. Grimshaw was a pioneer in high-tech architecture, but had come to rely on low-tech solutions for content management, which created issues with consistency and the capture of content. Grimshaw’s content management strategy needed to change. A clear choice emerged, “UNIFI was the one true source of content that could be accessed from anywhere around the world with the most advanced features including its search functionality.”
“Grimshaw mirrored its content libraries by replicating the server for its four main offices – Sydney, Melbourne, London and New York. This led to content being stored in multiple locations without controls so that different sub-structures were created. The outdated content management solution slowed down designers, created content inconsistencies and made it extremely difficult to conduct simple searches.”
“UNIFI provided the answer to Grimshaw’s content management challenges. All content on the server was uploaded into UNIFI, so that Grimshaw could easily change names, create tags and clean up its content. During this exercise, several instances of duplicate content were found using different container files. Using UNIFI raised the perception of content quality by making it easy to access and find the content, including search and previews. Once UNIFI was deployed, designers took half the time to find more content – translating into 2.3 hours “saved” each week, 120 hours annually, per designer!”
Source Unifilabs | Online-Publication | www.unifilabs.com | Status: September 2017