44. ANZAScA Konferenz
Titel The 44th Annual Conference of the ANZAScA
Thema On the Edge – Cross-Disciplinary and Intra-Disciplinary Connections in Architectural Science
Datum | Veranstalter 24. – 26. November 2010 | Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association
Veranstaltungsort Unitec Campus Graduate School | Auckland | Neuseeland
Indoor Air Quality and Health in New Zealand’s Traditional Homes
The submitted paper examines the indoor air pollution in relation to construction details, insulation level, ventilation and humidity. It also addresses moisture damages caused by damp housing. The specific influence of poor indoor air quality on health in general and possible risks of developing allergies in particular is identified.
Co-Autor Dr. Paola Leardini
Department Architektur und Bauplanung
Institution University of Auckland | National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries