Sydney Build 2020
Titel Sydney Build 2020
Thema The Festival of BIM & Digital Construction
Datum | Veranstalter 23. Juni 2020 | Oliver Kinross
Festival of BIM & Digital Constrution
The „Festival of BIM & Digital Constrution“ offers a wide range of webinars taking place between May and July 2020. Attendance is free and sessions taking place 24 hours a day to attract thousands of attendees from all around the world in Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia.
Using BIM / Digital Engineering to de-risk and improve the entire Project Lifecycle Management
Holger de Groot shared useful insights on how organisations can leverage the latest developments in digital design to elevate their project workflows. For better efficiency, return-on-investment, project quality and customer satisfaction.
Quelle Oliver Kinross | Online-Publikation | | Stand: 23. Juni 2020