White Card – Workplace Health and Safety
Thema Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
Datum | Veranstalter 07. Dezember 2017 | Urban E-Learning
Veranstaltungsort White Card Online | Queensland, Australien
White Cards (CIC): A white card (or general construction induction card) is required for workers who want to carry out construction work. People who need a white card include:
- site managers, supervisors, surveyors, labourers and tradespeople
- people who access operational construction zones (unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person)
- workers whose employment causes them to routinely enter operational construction zones.
The white card becomes void if a worker has not carried out construction work for two consecutive years or more.
Interstate Cards: Construction workers work in New South Wales (NSW) using construction induction cards issued by other states and territories.
Quelle Urban E-Learning | Online-Publikation | www.urbanelearning.com | Stand: 21. Januar 2018